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Do you have the right kind of faith? Do you believe in your own abilities or those of Jesus to carry you through?




Christ is eternal - John1:1

Christ is all-knowing - John 16:30

Christ is all-powerful - John 5:19

Christ is everywhere - Matthew 18:20

Christ is the Creator of all - Colossioans 1:16


If you believe in anything or anyone besides Jesus Christ it is inadequate.


Admit your sinfulness and desire to turn from it.

Believe that Christ did die for your sins.

Trust in Jesus Christ alone as your Savior and Lord.


Evaluate your own faith…


Your faith should not be based on…

your ability to control your own destiny.

your good name or how you live.

your church or its ceremonies.

your own ability to improve yourself.

your ability to push all negative thoughts out of your life.

Your own sincerity.

Your power to tap some inner, godlike resource.


Your faith should be based on…

Jesus Christ.