His Eternal Power

 And Divine Nature



For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and wickedness of those who by their wickedness suppress the truth. For what can be known about God is plain to them, because God has shown it to them. Ever since the creation of the world his eternal power and divine nature, invisible though they are, have been understood and seen through the things he has made. So they are without excuse;


Romans 1:18-20


Nature’s laws are marked with mathematical simplicity and beauty. There are no rough edges with God’s world. Everything fits. Everything has a purpose.


If it’s only the reality of God’s existence that explains the whole universe, that must also be true of our lives. We are not accidents but creatures designed by a Maker of limitless power and wisdom. Look for Him in what He has designed – you will see Him there.



The design of creation points to the Master Designer.


Our Daily BreadNovember 29, 2005