Sent From Heaven
Concerning this salvation, the prophets who prophesied of the grace that was to be yours made careful search and inquiry, inquiring about the person or time that the Spirit of Christ within them indicated when it testified in advance to the sufferings destined for Christ and the subsequent glory. It was revealed to them that they were serving not themselves but you, in regard to the things that have now been announced to you through those who brought you good news by the Holy Spirit sent from heaven – things into which angels long to look!
1 Peter 1:10-12
God gives us a new hope through our Savior, Jesus Christ. It is, in fact, our perpetual inheritance. What we do with that inheritance depends entirely on us. God will not send us away from Him. It is us who send ourselves away from Him. No amount of suffering or trials that we go through can take our "inheritance" away from us. God has good things in store for us.
The inheritance of a Christian is guaranteed forever!
Our Daily Bread – April 27, 2004