Work Hard At Preaching And Teaching
The elders who do good work as leaders should be considered worthy of receiving double pay, especially those who work hard at preaching and teaching. For the scripture says, "Do not muzzle an ox when you are using it to thresh grain" and "A worker should be given his pay." Do not listen to an accusation against an elder unless it is brought by two or more witnesses. Rebuke publicly all those who commit sins, so that the rest may be afraid.
In the presence of God and of Christ Jesus and of the holy angels I solemnly call upon you to obey these instructions without showing any prejudice or favor to anyone in anything you do. Be in no hurry to lay hands on someone to dedicate him to the LORD’s service. Take no part in the sins of others; keep yourself pure.
Do not drink water only, but take a little wine to help your digestion, since you are sick so often.
The sins of some people are plain to see, and their sins go ahead of them to judgments; but the sins of others are seen only later. In the same way good deeds are plainly seen, and even those that are not so plain cannot be hidden.
1 Timothy 5:17-25
Be fair to your pastor. While he is preaching, say "Amen." He will preach himself to death. Pat him on the back and tell him his good points. He will work himself to death. Rededicate your life to Christ and ask your minister for a job to do. He will die of heart failure. Get the church to pray for him. Soon he will become so effective that a larger church will take him off your hands.
If your pastor faithfully preaches God’s word and tries to live an exemplary life, do all you can to support and encourage him. No minister is perfect but tell him you are grateful for him and all he has done for you.
A pastor leads best when his people get behind him.
Our Daily Bread – July 13, 2003