The Spirit Also Comes To Help Us
In the same way the Spirit also comes to help us, weak as we are. For we do not know how we ought to pray; the Spirit himself pleads with God for us in groans that words cannot express. And God, who sees into our hearts, knows what the thought of the Spirit is; because the Spirit pleads with God on behalf of his people and in accordance with his will.
Romans 8:26-27
The Bible tells us that God knows our every thought and every word on our tongue. And even when we do not know what to pray for, the Holy Spirit intercedes on our behalf. God knows the intentions of our heart. When we are in deep distress and the words don’t come, the thoughts do come and that is enough. God, knows our innermost thoughts, and His Holy Spirit is there with us. No matter how much you falter and stumble in your praying, He hears you.
Prayer does not require eloquence,
but it does require earnestness.
Our Daily Bread – September 9, 2003