Plow New Ground
"Israel was once like a well-trained young cow, ready and willing to thresh grain. But I decided to put a yoke on her beautiful neck and to harness her for harder work. I made Judah pull the plow and Israel pull the harrow. I said, ‘Plow new ground for yourselves, plant righteousness, and reap the blessings that your devotion to me will produce. It is time for you to turn to me, your LORD, and I will come and pour out blessings upon you.’"
Hosea 10:9-12
As a new gardener, people learn that uncultivated soil will resist seed planting and growth. But when you plant seeds in well-prepared soil, heaven’s sun and rain will do their part. Well-prepared soil, with the right seed, and God’s blessing are essential for fruitfulness, not only in gardening but also in Christian living.
Is the soil in your heart resistant to God and His Word, rather than receptive? Do you trust in your own way rather than in God’s way? Then it is time to seek the LORD in honest repentance, to sow right actions and attitudes in your life, and to grow His way. Above all, depend on His power rather than your own to make you fruitful.
The flowers or weeds that spring up tomorrow
are in the seeds we sow today.
Our Daily Bread – May 13, 2003