Gaining Favor With God And Men
On the third day they found him in the Temple, sitting with the Jewish teachers, listening to them and asking questions. All who heard him were amazed at his intelligent answers. His parents were astonished when they saw him, and his mother said to him, "Son, why have you done this to us? Your father and I have been terribly worried trying to find you."
He answered them, "Why did you have to look for me? Didn’t you know that I had to be in my Father’s house?" But they did not understand his answer.
So Jesus went back with them to Nazareth, where he was obedient to them. His mother treasured all these things in her heart. Jesus grew both in body and in wisdom, gaining favor with God and men.
Luke 2:46-52
We gain insight when we listen to those who have gone before and who know more than we do – insight we miss when our pride stands in the way. We are able to learn from others when we humble ourselves and acknowledge how little we know. Willingness to learn is a mark of those who are truly wise.
If you think you know everything, you have a lot to learn.
Our Daily Bread – January 13, 2003