Faithful To His Master
No one should fool himself. If anyone among you thinks that he is wise by this world's standards, he should become a fool, in order to be really wise. For what this world considers to be wisdom is nonsense in God's sight. As the scripture says, "God traps the wise in their cleverness"; and another scripture says, "The LORD knows that the thoughts of the wise are worthless." No one, then, should boast about what men can do. Actually everything belongs to you: Paul, Apollos, and Peter; this world, life and death, the present and the future - all these are yours, and you belong to Christ, and Christ belongs to God.
You should think of us as Christ's servants, who have been put in charge of God's secret truths. The one thing required of such a servant is that he be faithful to his master.
1 Corinthians 3:18-4:2
What a different way to look at leadership. We tend to think of a well dressed captain standing on the deck of a great ship, controlling everything that happens. Think about what happened to the Titanic. And then think about Jesus. He is our true Captain. The direction in which a church or ministry goes, the speed with which it develops, and the size to which it grows is His prerogative. Our task, no matter what our position or work, is to keep our eyes on Jesus and to keep on rowing.
Leaders don't attain greatness by giving orders,
but by serving others.
Our Daily Bread - August 10, 2003