Do Not Reject Me Now That I Am Old


Do not reject me now that I am old; do not abandon me now that I am feeble. My enemies want to kill me; they talk and plot against me. They say, "God has abandoned him; let’s go after him and catch him; there is no one to rescue him."

Don’t stay so far away, O God; my God, hurry to my aid! May those who attack me be defeated and destroyed. May those who try to hurt me be shamed and disgraced. I will always put my hope in you; I will praise you more and more. I will tell of your goodness; all day long I will speak of your salvation, though it is more than I can understand. I will praise your power, Sovereign LORD; I will proclaim your goodness, yours alone.

You have taught me ever since I was young, and I still tell of your wonderful acts. Now that I am old and my hair is gray, do not abandon me, O God! Be with me while I proclaim your power and might to all generations to come.

Psalm 71:9-18

People can bear fruit for the LORD at all ages. Wrinkles stand for earnest times of prayer, loving care, and decades of useful work. The beauty is no longer the skin-deep charm of youth, but the time-honored loveliness of a life well-lived. Care for the aged and love them in Jesus’ name. God can use us to encourage those who pray that they not be cast away.


Kindness to the elderly brightens their sunset years.

Our Daily Bread – June 17, 2003