The LORD Is My Shepherd
The LORD is my shepherd; I have everything I need. He lets me rest in fields of green grass and leads me to quiet pools of fresh water. He gives me new strength. He guides me in the right paths, as he has promised. Even if I go through the deepest darkness, I will not be afraid, LORD, for you are with me. Your shepherd’s rod and staff protect me.
You prepare a banquet for me, where all my enemies can see me; you welcome me as an honored guest and fill my cup to the brim. I know that your goodness and love will be with me all my life; and your house will be my home as long as I live.
Psalm 23:1-6
Psalm 23 paints a beautiful word picture of a caring shepherd, secure sheep, and a tranquil scene of quiet meadows and still waters. But it is the LORD, our shepherd, who gives us rest, not the green grass or the flowing stream. Rest is a place that our spirits find in God. Neither the presence of those who oppose us nor the dark valley of death can keep us from that peaceful place. Through prayer and meditation on His Word, we can commune with Him. In the LORD’s presence we can experience the rest and renewal we so desperately need.
Spending quiet time with God will bring quiet rest from God.
Our Daily Bread – May 30, 2003