I Wish You Would Listen To Me
…I hear an unknown voice saying, "I took the burdens off your backs; I let you put down your loads of bricks. When you were in trouble, you called to me, and I saved you. From my hiding place in the storm, I answered you. I put you to the test at the springs of Meribah. Listen, my people, to my warning; Israel, how I wish you would listen to me! You must never worship another god. I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of Egypt. Open your mouth, and I will feed you. "But my people would not listen to me; Israel would not obey me. So I let them go their stubborn ways and do whatever they wanted. How I wish my people would obey me! I would quickly defeat their enemies and conquer all their foes. Those who hate me would bow in fear before me; their punishment would last forever. But I would feed you with the finest wheat and satisfy you with wild honey."
Psalm 81:5b-16