I Have To Preach
Very early the next morning, long before daybreak, Jesus got up and left the house. He went out of town to a lonely place, where he prayed. But Simon and his companions went out searching for him, and when they found him, they said, "Everyone is looking for you."
But Jesus answered, "We must go on to the other villages around here. I have to preach in them also, because that is why I came."
So he traveled all over Galilee, preaching in the synagogues and driving out demons.
Mark 1:35-39
When was the last time you read the Bible while sitting under an oak tree? Have you ever prayed while the cool water of a creek ran across your feet? Wouldn’t it be enjoyable to meditate on God’s Word while watching the sun come over the horizon? It is not possible for all of us to do all of those things – but it is possible for each of us to break the normal routine of our time alone with God. Sometimes, the habits of our devotional life can get in the way of our growing closer to God. In fact, at times they can grow stale and boring.
But there is nothing boring about a God who created the earth in all its splendor and variety. There is no lack of excitement in worshipping a Savior who was willing to die a horrible death for us and pay the penalty for our sins. There is nothing common about being indwelt by the Holy Spirit, who empowers us to accomplish God’s will.
So how do we avoid dry devotional times? By breaking the routine of the usual and adding some variety to our personal time alone with God. In His worship, Jesus found solitary havens away from the busyness of people and ministry. We need to do the same.
Time spent with the Lord is time well spent.
Our Daily Bread – April 2, 2003