I Am Grateful To Them
I recommend to you our sister Phoebe, who serves the church at Cenchreae. Receive her in the Lord’s name, as God’s people should, and give her any help she may need from you; for she herself has been a good friend to many people and also to me.
I send greetings to Priscilla and Aquila, my fellow workers in the service of Christ Jesus; they risked their lives for me. I am grateful to them – not only I, but all the Gentile churches as well. Greetings also to the church that meets in their house.
Greetings to my dear friend Epaenetus, who was the first man in the province of Asia to believe in Christ. Greetings to Mary, who has worked so hard for you. Greetings also to Andronicus and Junias, fellow Jews who were in prison with me; they are well known among the apostles, and they became Christians before I did.
Romans 16:1-7
An unknown author once said it is more important to have one little rose from the garden of a friend than the choicest of flowers when your life ends. It is more important to have a pleasant word said in kindness about you than flattery when you are dead. And as the author said, "Bring me all your flowers today, whether pink, or white, or red; I’d rather have one blossom now than a truckload when I’m dead." Recalling the good qualities of deceased friends or relatives at their funerals is appropriate, but how much better to give sincere praise while they are still living. It might be the encouragement they desperately need.
You can’t speak a kind word too soon, for you never know how soon it will be too late.
Our Daily Bread – July 24, 2003